Friday, July 26, 2013

Why We Need Construction Contracts


Everybody wants to be certain to get the right thing or outcome in what they have invested on. Whether it is a major or a minor construction for either residential or commercial project, you expect the contractor to execute the exact details of the plan, right? While the contractor also expects to get paid with the full amount as agreed upon. Thus, the importance of Construction Contracts.

These legal contracts are actually a requirement by law whenever a construction work is assigned to other party. Construction Contracts, like any other contracts contains the complete details of the whole deal.

Commercial or residential contracts basically contain almost the same details. Although Commercial contracts are more professional and may contain a bit more details than residential contracts.

Listed below are the reasons why we need Construction Contracts:

1. With a contract at hand, it will provide you and the contractor a sense of confidence that whenever disputes arise you have a document that will protect you from any legal issues.

2. As the owner or client, this piece of legal document will protect your interest from any alterations from the original plan.

3. As the contractor, this will also protect them from implementing extra works beyond what is stipulated in the contract.

4. Both parties are always protected in terms of collection and payment. Owners will not be billed any extra payments but only the amount stated in the contract, unless stipulated in another contract. Contractors are also assured of getting paid in full amount after the completion of the said project.

5. You as the client will also have peace of mind that the design and other details in the plan are accurately implemented.

6. The duration of the construction period is also stipulated in the contract. Hence, you are assured that the project will be completed on the date as planned.

7. The Contract is signed by both parties with witnesses and should be in the presence of a lawyer or lawyers of both parties as agreed on the terms and conditions stated in the said construction contract.

To simply put it, all details as agreed by both parties are outlined in the contract in full details which are bound by the provisions of the law. Any detail not implemented  intentionally that lead to a vicious dispute between parties during the duration of the contract are liable to face any legal complaints filed to him.

With this, both parties should see to it that every detail enumerated in the contract are followed to avoid breach of contract as it is punishable by the law of the state and country.

Contracts are bound to be followed as there are guidelines and laws that protect each party from getting cheated or abused. The law sees to it that the contract will be strictly obeyed and followed according to their provisions, as both parties have agreed upon. Non-compliance of a contract by any party involved will mean that they have to face the consequences provided in the law of the land.

Construction contracts or any other contracts will be an advantage to the parties involved. It will be an assurance that both parties will cooperate to successfully finish the construction project. No one is favored over another.

That being said, it is very important that the client fully understand the context of the contract and the terms used before signing them. He should consult an expert for a translation on the terms used and what other possible details that should be included in it. Nothing should be left out or missed to avoid having one party getting an advantage over the other.

The law respects what is written in the contract that is signed by both parties. So, never sign a contract that you have never read or don’t understand, or you’ll regret about it. Ignorance of the law excuses no one. 

Image source: samplecontracts

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Top Home Additions Ideas That Adds Value To Your Home

 Whether or not you have plans of selling your house in the future, creating additions to your house definitely adds value to it. Keep in mind though that functionality (adding a functional space) is more valuable than focusing your home remodelling on aesthetics.

With that said, you must be ready and prepared of all the necessary plans, concept, budget and most importantly,  time and energy. Don’t just jump into it without getting all the itsy-bitsy details straightened out first.

Impulsive decisions brings nothing but frustration and disappointments. So before calling your contractor, know what type of additions you are planning to build. Better yet, know what type of additions do you need?

Defining those needs allow you to have better perception on what or which part of the house requires bigger and more functional space. With that in mind, it is now easier for you to visualize the type of additions necessary for your home. You can even conceptualize the design styles, the aesthetics, the paint colors and more...if you have the art. Nonetheless, even if you are not that artistic, at least you can now better convey your ideas to your contractor.

Once you are ready, you can contact your contractor and discuss with him the necessary details: plans, budget, design, etc...

To help you with your planning and to give you more inspiring ideas on various possible additions for your home that adds value to it; I have listed below some useful suggestions you can include in your renovation plans.

Second Story Additions

If you think a space as big as your current floor area is needed and necessary, then a second story addition is best. That is of course presuming that your lot area is not that wide. Although adding another floor is no doubt one of the most expensive additions to carry out, but it also adds great value to your home.  Before pushing through with this plan, make sure to visit or call the local zoning office to confirm if adding a second story is legally allowed in your area.

Bathroom Additions


Adding another bathroom is a cost-effective investment for homes. Depending on the number of household members, the space available, bathroom fixtures preference, etc... You can install a half-bath, a full-bath, or a full-bath with a tub. For half-baths, the space required is at least 18 square feet while for full-baths with a stand-up shower must be at least 30 square feet. An additional 5 feet is needed if a tub is installed. Adding a mid-range bathroom gives you a recoup value of 55% the most, that is according to Remodelling Magazine’s 2013 Cost VS. Value Report.

Outdoor Deck Additions


Installing decks increases the value of your home especially using composite materials. Wooden decks however are more budget-friendly. But according to the Cost vs. Value report, the recovery value of a composite deck is only 67% while the wooden deck is at 77%.

Attic Bedroom Additions

Adding another living space is a great idea, a sure-fire way to boost value of your home. And even wiser if you will just turn your dusty, often ignored  area of the house into a sweet, clean and fresh looking bedroom – the attic. Isn’t that a perfect idea?

Kitchen Additions

The kitchen is considered by many to be the soul of the house. Thus adding more space to it or refurbishing its appearance a bit, surely pay off. Normally, homeowners get to recover 60% up tp 120% of your investment as long as it should not be too exuberant compared to the other houses within your area.

 Reinvent Existing Unused Space

Many of us have unused spaces in our homes. We just tend to ignore it or perhaps fail to realize that it is actually possible to turn a junk space into something useful. It can even be an income potential space.

Take basement for example, more often than not, basement’s become our junk or storage area. Such a waste of space right? If you turn that into a bedroom or an entertainment room, a game room or even a study room, definitely it just wouldn’t look nice but more importantly it gives added value to your home.

Here’s another great space but then again turned into a junk spot - the garage. Yes, your garage can be remodelled into a room, a pad, a rental space. Simply put, reinventing left out spaces of your home gives you extra useful spaces and an increases home value.

There are more ways you can add value to your home. Additions or home improvements (as suggested above) are great ways to keep your home market value competitive. However, lavish and too luxurious improvements is way too expensive and is not practical anymore, unless you are located in the elite community. Otherwise, make it simple yet versatile and appealing yet useful.

What is important is that the new additions or improvements you undertake adds beauty to your home and gives you and your family comfort. 

Image Source: deck, atticbedroom, basement

Friday, July 5, 2013

10 Home Renovation Tricks: Making A Small Room Look Bigger

House renovations can be very tricky. Wrong choice of furniture and materials will just cause bigger rooms to be cluttered or crowded, thus making it small and tight. On the contrary, using the right things inside your house will create an illusion that will make a small room look bigger and spacious.

A spacious looking room can create a relaxing and comfortable environment. It is very cool in the eyes and good to look at. Interior designers have suggestions on how to make your room create visual tricks to look and appear spacious. They have come up with ideas on what needs to be done to make a small room look bigger.

Below are commendable ideas you can use to turn a small area into a wider and capacious looking room.

1. Lighter walls, floors and ceilings.  Using lighter color paints on your walls, floors and ceilings will reflect the brightness of the lights and lessens the shadows of the rooms which causes them to appear smaller and dull. This will make rooms seem larger than its actual size. Brighter rooms plays with your vision and manipulates your mind into thinking that the room have become bigger than it usually was.

2. Disposing old things that are not really used. Most of us have the habit of keeping old things even if they are not anymore used, like old television sets and other bulky things. If you want to avail more space in your rooms then you must dispose them as they congest your room and take away the space that should have been free, except for the valuable things without these things, you can rearrange your furniture in a way that they will appear to have more space in it. Lesser things would create more room space.

3. Right storage furniture. There are storage furniture that look slimmer but can keep things inside. Choosing the right storage furniture is one thing that can help you save extra space in your rooms.
4. Mirror placements. Proper mirror placements will give a perception of an additional space, an extra space that is not really there. It creates an illusionary wide space. Just make sure that you place them on areas where they are really useful.


5. Right window size and placement. Bigger windows where you can have a wonderful view from the inside is a perfect location. The outside view appears like an extension to your room and make them bigger to look at.


6. Experimenting with the furniture arrangement. There are no rules in furniture arrangement. The usual furniture arrangements can consume much space to your living room and can be boring times. A little experimentation will be just fine.


7. Taking advantage of your wall. To reduce the occupied space of bulky furniture, you can simply utilize floating or hanging shelves on the wall. This will greatly minimize furniture congestion in your rooms. Now your room will look neat and wider, plus hanging shelves will add beauty to the place serving the same purpose as cabinets.

8. Use fewer and simpler decor. Thin material decor and wall paintings will be more space saving. Too much decor in a small room may be an eyesore. Simplicity can be more appreciated rather than over packed room that will only exude messy appearance. Proper décor arrangement is also very important.

9. Lighter decor. Lighter decoration and furniture materials will help make your room spacious. See through materials greatly complement a small room. This materials play tricks in making small spaces appear bigger.

10. Kitchen and bathrooms arrangement. These part of your home is utterly important and should be treated the same. This area should emanate a relaxing aura, well-organized space and a clean environment. A spacious looking kitchen will give a good atmosphere in preparing your food.

The suggestions above are very easy to follow. No need to spend so much if you simply want to make a small room seem bigger. By simply rearranging and putting things at the right space and by adding some mirrors and appropriate decoratives at the right places will already make a big difference in making your limited space look big and spacious.